Who are the GG experts?

At GG, we believe that our team is at the heart of our success.
Get to know a little more about the GG team members and their personal tastes!

Alexandre Gaiofato
de Souza

Currently listening to: Country Music
Favorite movie / series: “Two Distant Strangers”
Favorite book: “A Elite do Atraso” – Jessé Souza
Phrase: “ipse se nihil scire id unum sciat”
Education: Law Degree FIG/SP, Postgraduate in Civil Procedure PUC/SP, MBA in Economic and Corporate Law from FGV, International MBA from Uhio University, Postgraduate in Criminology from PUC/RS

Brenda Vianna
dos Santos

Currently listening to: Sertanejo
Favorite movie/series: “2 Corações” and “Bridgerton”
Favorite book: “Nos Bastidores da Disney”
Phrase: “Quanto mais fortes forem as suas aprovações, maiores serão suas vitórias”
Education: Human Resources Management Technologist

Beatriz Celestino

Currently listening to: Taylor Swift
Favorite movie/series: Friends
Favorite book: A garota de papel – Guillaume Musso
Phrase: “Trate desigualmente os desiguais, na medida de sua desigualdade.”
Education: Law degree from Centro Universitário UNIFIEO, Postgraduate student in Material and Procedural Labor Law at Escola Paulista de Direito


Currently listening to: Rock
Favorite movie/series: “Imensidão Azul”
Favorite book: “Cem Dias Entre Céu e Mar”
Phrase: “A insatisfação é o primeiro passo para o progresso de um homem.” – Oscar Wilde
Education: Law degree from Universidade Paulista, Specialist in Tax Law from GVlaw – Escola de Direito de São Paulo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Postgraduate degree in Tax Procedural Law from PUCSP/COGEAE

Danielle Alcântara

Currently listening: Eclectic, with a preference for sertanejo and MPB
Favorite movie/series: “Em Busca da Felicidade”, “Milagre na Cela 7”
Favorite book: “A Cabana”
Phrase: “Apenas acredite nos seus sonhos”
Education: Law degree from the Metropolitan University of Santos, Postgraduate degree in Labor Law and Labor Procedure from Damásio

Danielle Santos

Currently listening to: Cidade Negra and Anitta
Favorite movie/series: “Lucifer” and “Harry Potter”
Favorite book: All the “Harry Potter” books
Education: Law degree from Mackenzie Presbyterian University


Currently listening to: Pop, MPB, Rap
Favorite movie/series: “This is Us”
Favorite book: “Grande Sertão: Veredas”
Phrase: “Digo: o real não está na saída nem na chegada: ele se dispõe pra gente é no meio da travessia.” – Guimarães Rosa
Education: Graduated in Literature from USP, Postgraduate in Human Sciences and Decolonial Thought from PUC-SP


Currently listening to: A bit of everything, especially MPB
Favorite movie/series: “The Shack” / “The Good Doctor”
Favorite book: “A Cabana”
Phrase: “Vamos viver tudo que há pra viver, vamos nos permitir” – Lulu Santos
Education: Degree in Civil Engineering

Gabriela Pedroza
Amadio Resende

Currently listening to: Eclectic, with an emphasis on Jack Johnson
Favorite movie/series: Movies – “Klaus” and “Encanto” / Series – “The Last of Us”, “The Office (U.S.)”, “Breaking Bad”
Favorite book: All of Sherlock Holmes (Arthur Conan Doyle), “Procura-se um Marido” (Carina Rissi), “O Poder do Hábito” (Charles Duhigg)
Phrase: “O que vale na vida não é o ponto de partida e sim a caminhada. Caminhando e semeando, no fim terás o que colher” – Cora Coralin
Education: Degree in Gastronomy and Law from FMU

Johnny Albino
Nascimento dos Santos

Currently listening to: Radio and Pop
Favorite movie/series: O Senhor Dos Anéis
Favorite book: A Bíblia
Phrase: O que eu penso, não muda nada além do meu pensamento. O que eu faço a partir disso, muda tudo!
Education: Law degree

Júlia Carvalho

Currently listening to: New Love, Syml, Moby
Favorite movie/series: “Matilda” and “Gilmore Girls”
Favorite book: “Sol da Meia Noite”
Phrase: “Se você não gosta de onde está, saia. Você não é uma árvore”
Education: Law degree

Juan Ignacio
Pereira Rodriguez Junior

Currently listening: I’m very eclectic, but what I’ve been listening to most often is pagode and sertanejo.
Favorite movie/series: I really like legal series and those that tell the stories of lives and companies. Something I can learn from. If there’s a bit of action, even better.
Favorite book: A book that really opened my mind is “Pai rico e Pai Pobre”. In the meantime, I’d also like to highlight “O milagre do amanhã”, “Sun tzu – a arte da guerra” e “O Poder da autorresponsabilidade”
Phrase: “O sucesso é treinável”.
Education: Graduated in Law from ESAMC/Santos, Postgraduate in Tax Law, Process and Planning from the Brazilian School of Law (EBRADI).

Marina de Fátima
Léo Vieira

Currently listening to: Bob Marley, my favorite singer.
Favorite movie/series: Impuros.
Favorite book: Em busca de mim – Viola Davis
Phrase: “I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.“ – Audre Lorde
Education: Law degree


Currently listening: I like (almost) everything, from axé to rock.
Favorite movie/series: “Breaking Bad”
Favorite book: “Vale Tudo” by Nelson Motta.
Phrase: “É fatal não se conhecer, e não se conhecer exige coragem.” – Trecho de “A Descoberta do Mundo”, de Clarice Lispector
Education: Law Degree, Postgraduate in Business Law, Compliance Certification from FGV, Professional Certification in Visual Law from KLSN

Lais Marques

Currently listening to: Blues/Jazz
Favorite movie / series: “The Help”
Favorite book: “Pensamentos Transformados, Emoções Redimidas” – Ricardo Barbosa
Phrase: “Quem não vive para servir, não serve para viver.” – Mahatma Gandhi
Education: Law Degree, Postgraduate in Tax Law

Larissa Cavalcante

Currently listening to: MPB to Pop, depending on the occasion
Favorite movie/series: Movie – “Ratatouille”, Series – “Friends”
Favorite book: “Novembro de 63” por Stephen King
Phrase: “Seja intensa, extensa, inteira e, sobretudo, honesta.”
Education: Law degree from Universidade Paulista, Postgraduate in Business Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Laryssa Crystyna
de Oliveira Munhoz

Currently listening to: Samba, Sertanejo, Electronica
Favorite movie/series: “Game of Thrones”
Favorite book: “Odisseia”
Phrase: “Pense grande, mire alto, trabalhe duro e nunca desista.”
Education: Law degree from the City University of São Paulo, Postgraduate studies in Labor Law and Procedure and Civil Procedure

Leonardo Victor
Costa Bahia

Currently listening to: MPB and International
Favorite movie/series: “Peaky Blinders”
Favorite book: “O Príncipe”
Phrase: “Si Vis Pacem Para Bellum”
Education: Graduation from Centro Universitário do Pará – Cesupa, Postgraduate in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (specialization), Postgraduate in Corporate Law and Compliance from Escola Paulista de Direito – EPD (MBA).

Leticia Valverde

Currently listening to: Sertanejo, Pagode
Favorite movie/series: “Prison Break” / “Ponto Cego”
Favorite book: Not informed
Phrase: “Faça o que você ama, acredite no que faz.”
Education: Graduate of IBMEC – Damásio College, Postgraduate Studies
in Civil Procedural Law from Damásio

Maurício Resende

Currently listening to: Podcasts, especially “Xadrez Verbal”
Favorite movie/series: “Fight Club” and “Breaking Bad”
Favorite book: “Só Pode Ser Brincadeira, Sr. Feynman!”
Phrase: Not informed
Education: Law degree from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas, Specialization in Procedural Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais

Orlando Silva

Currently listening to: Sertanejo
Favorite movie/series: “De Volta para o Futuro”
Favorite book: “Lógica: pensamento formal e argumentação” – Alaôr Caffé Alves
Phrase: “A vida vem em ondas como um mar; num indo e vindo infinito; tudo que se vê não é igual ao que a gente viu a um segundo…” – Como uma onda – Lulu Santos
Education: Law degree from the Estácio de Sá College in Ourinhos, Postgraduate in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from the Faculdades Integradas de Ourinhos – FIO


Currently listening to: Depends on the occasion
Favorite movie/series: “O Sucessor”
Favorite book: “Estrelas Além do Tempo” – Margot Lee Shetterly
Phrase: “A habilidade pode até te levar ao topo, mas é preciso caráter para te manter lá.” – John Wooden
Education: Law degree from the University of Guarulhos

Robson Alves
da Cruz

Currently listening to: MPB, Reggaeton
Favorite movie/series: “Invocação do Mal” and “Greenleaf”
Favorite book: “Anjos e Demônios” (Dan Brown)
Phrase: “Se faz sentir, faz sentido!”
Education: Degree in Business Administration from UNINOVE

Ronaldo Pavanelli

Currently listening to: Rock and MPB
Favorite movie/series: “Pulp Fiction”
Favorite book: “O Sol é para Todos” – Harper Lee
Phrase: “O homem é do tamanho do seu sonho” – Fernando Pessoa
Education: Law degree from UNIP, Postgraduate in Tax Law from CEU Law School, MBA in Tax Management from FECAP.

Munik Pereira
de Souza

Currently listening: I’m very eclectic, but lately I’ve been listening to international pop music
Favorite movie/series: I really like suspense and science fiction movies and series
Favorite book: Código da Vinci
Phrase: Sua fé tem que ser maior que seu medo
Education: Law degree

Viviane Vasconcelos

Currently listening: Eclectic, with a preference for Sertanejo/Electronica and Reggae
Favorite movie/series: “À Procura da Felicidade”, “Intocáveis” and “For Life”
Favorite book: “Ainda sou eu” – Jojo Moyes
Phrase: “A vida é muito curta para que se perca tempo numa existência medíocre” – Leandro Karnal
Education: Law degree from UMC – Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Postgraduate in Civil Law and Civil Procedure from EPD – Escola Paulista de Direito

Isabelle Milhomem
Macedo Marques

Currently listening to: Coldplay (alternative rock) and Bhaskar (electronic)
Favorite movie/series: Interestelar (2014)
Favorite book: É assim que acaba – Colleen Hoover
Phrase: Não se acomode no incômodo.
Education: Law degree from IBMEC – Damási College, Postgraduate degree in Public Treasury Law from Legale College


Currently listening to: Sertanejo
Favorite movie/series: “A Origem” and “Suits”
Favorite book: “O Poder do Hábito”
Phrase: “Você não muda sua vida enquanto estiver na sua zona de conforto.”
Education: Law degree from the São Judas Tadeu University (USJT), Postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV-LAW).

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